Thursday, January 21, 2010

Interesting beds

I've subscribed to a furniture blog (the one that provided the pictures of cake). The blog always has really interesting stuff. I guess I've always been found furniture to be an interesting functional art.

One of the articles featured on the blog is a furniture bed (a bed that converts to a desk). This is the ultimate space saving thing:

This sofa bunk bed is also really neat. You have a normal looking sofa that can be turned into 2 extra beds! Great for guests.

There are other interesting bed in wall systems on that website. Maybe I should take up furniture making in the future. Now that I can bake my own bread, the next logical step would be to make my own furniture, right? haha

I'm a collector at heart and like to have a lot of junk around. So I always like looking at shelving systems, especially ones that have irregular shapes. I wish I have better bookshelves in my dorm room. These over the desk things are really not ideal. I saw a really great little shelf next to a dumpster on the night of my final last quarter. It was a skinny and tall shelf. Pretty light and nice looking. Unfortunately, I was going to my final and didn't want to lug it around. I really should have just taken it to my final though because it was gone 3 hours later. I had even convinced two guys to walk by there with me. It would've been hilarious if I had lugged that thing into the final with me. Oh wells, next time.

1 comment:

YW said...

omg! that's exactly what i need! haha...but i'm sure i can't afford it :(
next yr, i'm planning to move in with 3 friends who are living in a 2 bedroom apartment. two friends are already sharing the big room...and i'm trying to squeeze in with them. haha, we've figured out a system, but it's gonna be tight!