Friday, July 27, 2007

Upcoming Events

Nevermind, I lied. I think I have wireless until the end of this month! Yay! So some updates. Tomorrow, I'm going to Lubeck. Horray for weekend ticket. We managed to get 5 people to go so it'll only cost 6 Euros roundtrip for each of us. Next weekend I will be visiting my penpal in Bonn. I'm hoping to take Friday off. The weekend after I will be going to Munich with Jingwen.

Next week will be a quiet week at work. All the guys are going on a camping trip. So I knew that Oli was going somewhere and I had asked him about it yesterday. I was pointing to their holiday calendar and asking if he was going on vacation. He thought I was pointing out the window and was like, "there's a restaurant and uh". Yeah, anyway, he Google Earth the place where he's going for me. It's an island in the very northeastern tip of Germany. There's a 10 mile stretch of nice beach. I informed him that it wasn't going to be very warm and he agreed and said it would be cold. Beach + Cold = I'm confused.

So today one of the other guys, Andreas, brought some ice cream sandwiches and gave one to everyone. Christina, my other officemate, informed me that he's giving us ice cream because all the men are going on a camping trip. I'm so jealous. I want to go camping. Sounds like so much fun. I really wish I knew German and can chat with these people. They're so cool. They're definitely more than just coworkers. They make fun of each other, share stories, and probably hang out after work too since they have each other's numbers in their cell phones. *Sigh.

1 comment:

yalu said...

lol the summer interns here have each other's cell phone numbers too. i dont have anyone's/haven't given anyone mine because they like to go downtown to chill and hang out and grab a few bars, and being underage I have other interests =) you know the drinking age in Canada is 19?