Friday, June 29, 2007

DB Interns

On Thursday night there was a gathering of DB interns to hang out/have dinner. Carolyn tagged along with us. We got there kinda late since we were wandering around the Altes museum. The staff of that museum was so grumpy. First they made me check in my lunch but not my purse. Then they wouldn't let me take off my sweater while inside. I guess I should've check it in if I wanted it to be off. Then they didn't like it when we were leaning against a display. Sigh. Anyhow, back to the intern gathering.

When we finally found the place, we had no idea how we were supposed to know who the interns are. We were going to ask a waiter but they were all busy. We saw some people sitting outside who were pretty young so we thought they might be the interns.
Carolyn to Jingwen: Well, they're dressed like you.
And it turns out that we were right. They were all pretty cool people. Most of them can speak English as well. One of them is a grad student at Berkeley. Another one is actually from L.A. and is a junior at Stanford. He and I talked about Catalina and other California things for a while. It was fun except it started raining and the restaurant people wouldn't let us open up their big umbrellas. So we opened up all our umbrellas. It was pretty hilarious. But it started pouring so we waited for a while inside, confirmed that there was no room, and went to another place. All in all it was a fun evening. We need to convince them to hold this gathering on some other weekday though. Thursdays is for museum hopping.

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