Sunday, June 15, 2008

Parents and London

I think I subscribe to too many blogs. I have no time to read them these days and they just keep piling up. They're all very interesting of course. Anyway, after spending 5 full days in Paris, I got back to England on the Eurostar and met up with my parents and brother. It took me about an hour to get from London St. Pancras/Kings Cross to Heathrow. It only cost 2 pounds! That's really cool considering how expensive it is to get from Heathrow to Cambridge on National Express.

Anyhow, we got back to Cambridge and once parents settled down a little, we walked around Cambridge a little. I visited Sainsburys 3 times that day to get various food items. That night we had quiche, cornish pasty, and ramen for dinner. I don't think my parents were very impressed by the quiche and cornish pasty but on the other hand I think they were too tired to care much.

We went off to London today. This was not what I had planned. I wanted to spend the day in Cambridge so that it's easier to come back to rest and such. I also didn't want to spend a weekend in London because it would be crowded and some underground lines undergo renovations during the weekends. But this also means that we'll be spending a weekday in Cambridge and I don't mind since you can't get anything done around here on Sundays.

We did a lot of walking today. We walked all the way from Chinatown to Big Ben, crossed the bridge, went around the river, and all the way to Tower Bridge. This took us 5, 6 hours and we were all very tired at the end of it. We ate dinner back in Cambridge at Dojos. The food wasn't too great this time. Too tired to write in more detail... More interesting stuff later, I promise.


yalu said...

haha that happens...when parents arrive, they think "oh I have limited time" and the first day they accept that they're jetlagged, but the second day they really want to see the city and all the important sites. My parents are practicing walking a lot, and they really want to see all this famous stuff on the first day. They want to go to the Louvre, which will be good---I can sit outside and don't have to walk around with them.

Dude, I think I've gotten slimmer? Definitely more fit already.

Did you know that Saturday is a national festival day in France (Jun 21) of noise? I read it in my Let's Go book and then I forgot. And then I was calling some hostels in Tours and one of them told me (in French) that there are rooms available, but since he's close to the city center, we won't be able to sleep.

Maybe you can catch up on blogs when you start working. I mean, especially since this guy's going to be on vacation...actually that happened to me last summer, my supervisor was on vacation the first 2 weeks I arrived (and I arrived right after finals), and I was kind of lost. Spent most of my time trying to learn about the company.

I changed my Microsoft Assistant to the cat, and now I'm always shocked with it scratches its ear or plays with a butterfly.

Unknown said...

I heard foods in England is horrible.