Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day One: It's too far!

I am so sore from biking around today. I spent the whole day riding around trying to get stuff done. First thing in the morning, I went to the Stanford Hospital because I need to get a chest x-ray done for TB. The hospital is more than a mile away and I was getting tired just riding on a flat road. And then I wandered around the hospital forever trying to find the right department. Turns out I wasn't even at the right place. Apparently the Vaden Health Center is where students are supposed to go and that's unrelated to the hospital. Vaden is actually really close to where I live. Go figure. I managed to find Y2E2 again and chatted briefly with the CEE financial aid person who said that my fellowship cannot carry over to the next year. Then I went to Vaden and it turns out I'm missing an immunization. I had to go there twice because I didn't manage to bring my immunization records with me the first time. Can't believe I was so unprepared.

After this I went out to lunch with Shuo and her parents. Her parents left for SoCal afterwards. Lunch was good. Refueled me for the what happened next.

So I got a monitor to go with my laptop but didn't managed to get a keyboard. None of the keyboards at home use USB so I had to go and get one. So after lunch Shuo and I went to Fry's Electronics. Shuo probably regrets going with me now but that was an adventure too. We didn't get lost but we had to go pretty far away and part of it involved riding on a really busy street. We stopped a few times to look at the map. On the way back we stopped by a grocery store that had a pretty good selection of food. I think I can find cheaper food but that place is supposedly the closest one to our dorm. I saw a sign on the way back that said that there's a Trader Joe's coming soon. I hope "soon" will be soon enough. Anyway, after the grocery store, we went to the Stanford Hospital again because that's where Shuo's classes will be. We biked back to our dorm from there so that she knows the way.

We got back in time for the Rains (our dorm) welcome BBQ. There's apparently a ton of MIT people here. I think I met 4 more people who are from MIT, in addition to the ones I already knew. At the grad student speed friending event later that night, someone came by and introduced herself and said, "tell me you're not all from MIT too!" Turns out she had just finished talking to a bunch of people from MIT. lol. Anyway, I hope I see some of these people again. Shuo and I stocked up on the free food from both events. At the end of the speed friending thing, we each took a plate and filled it up with the leftover sandwiches. One of the people I had just met was like, "wow, that's a really great idea. I'm going to copy you before other people start copying you."

At some point, I need to find some time to organize my bedroom. Mainly notes and such. I'm already starting to pile up things and classes haven't started yet!

1 comment:

X said...

so you didn't buy a new laptop? How far is the grocery store from your place?