Saturday, August 15, 2009

2 weeks left!!

Only 2 more weeks left at work! I guess I switched over to counting down somewhere between having 4 or 5 weeks left in the summer. I'm here for 12 weeks total. I'll definitely miss the gang at work. I think I came at a good time, both for me and the team. The civil group's intern left on Friday. He went around to say good bye to everyone before leaving. They all went out to lunch the day before. One of the guys from the civil team moved into his seat as soon as he left. I was hoping to have more room but I think I will be sitting elsewhere for these last 2 weeks anyway. Might be sitting in the boss' seat for the next week if I can figure out how to get my computer over there. The new hire for the geo team isn't starting until mid-September. Too bad I won't get to meet him. He picked a good week to start though since 3 people on the team will be out of the office early September and will be coming back the day he starts. And since he won't really start until the afternoon (because of orientation and paperwork), they'll have some time to get their act together before he joins the team. Haha, I wish him luck.

I think I will be taking 3 classes plus a seminar in the fall, which is not a lot. And looking at my choices so far, it seems like I will only have classes Tuesdays and Thursdays. So I'm conflicted in wanting to either work part-time or do research. I don't want to discuss this too much at the moment because neither of which is very certain yet. But I think it goes back to the question of what I want to do with an engineering degree.

I've always thought I would do design (working in industry) after finishing school. I've never given doing research and staying in academia its fair share of consideration. I guess part of it is that I've never really been exposed to it, not really sure what it entails. Anyway, working in industry is (I think) more satisfying. Well, more satisfying as in I will get to work on different projects and (someday) be able to ride in a transit system knowing that I've designed the tunnels or excavation or whatever. I really enjoy working on local projects and be able to talk to other people about the projects. In fact, I chatted with the other volunteers today about the 7 Line extension and 2nd Ave subway. It's just really cool to be working on stuff that people care about. (I also saw the piles along the East River today on the way back from the Bronx.) Anyway, that's the perks of working in industry, I guess. As for academia, I don't really know. I guess the benefit is that I would get to work on what I want instead of things that make money.

Anyway, I think it is possible to do research while doing my Masters degree. I will definitely have the time to do it. I hope it works out. I don't know how this works but it would be nice to get paid for it too.


yalu said...

yeah you should definitely try research to get more exposure, see it's something you would want to do.

but research is not simply what you want to do either, because you might only get funding on certain things. people have told me that the process is really political...but then again, if you're really at the top of your field, people will give you money to work on whatever you want. depends on how well you do (and then, it seems, how famous you become for your work).

but i agree, industry sounds more exciting, and things are definitely "happening"

how come you're not taking more classes to finish your degree sooner?

Cate said...

do you know when you're moving over yet? :D