Wednesday, March 5, 2008

more rants about Customer Service

I could not find ground turkey at Sainsburys (the local grocery store) yesterday. I complained about this to a fellow CMEer and neither of us likes the fact that Sainsburys doesn't restock properly. Their restocking things are either always sitting in the cramped aisles, blocking space or there would be empty shelves where my favorite brand of muesli is supposed to be found. It's very annoying since I only go to the grocery store when I really need something and don't want to make another trip back. Sometimes it means I have to go to another store or somehow eat breakfast without milk.

Why does this happen? (I) It might be that the store is just too small. At certain hours, the entire town seems to want to get their daily necessities all at the same time. The lines are super long and shelves are robbed of all the popular goods. And since the store is not very big, (i) can't have an infinite supply of ground turkey on the shelf and (ii) can't restock fast enough. (II) But actually, this might also be a case of seeing things through American eyes. We're a society where if our demands aren't met the right way the first time around, we complain and go somewhere else. Maybe that's just not the way it works here. Maybe the people here don't mind when they can't get their ground turkey and are okay with just coming back some other time.

1 comment:

yalu said...

it means that they aren't doing their operations properly. if they were, they wouldn't be loosing customers (like you) which they obviously are. demand is variable, but they should be able to restock fast enough...if they can't, they need to find another supplier or something because this one they have now is too slow. i bet that they are understocked on some things, but then they must be overstocked on other things, so this isn't helping their inventory levels either...(doesnt it seem like they just have a ton of stuff you dont need and not enough milk?)

p.s. this OR class is killing me