Saturday, April 17, 2010

I foresee drinking lots of tea in the near future

This quarter is probably going to be the craziest quarter ever. The quarter system is short and everything ramps up after mid-term. This is the end of week 3, which is usually when people start thinking about midterm exams and projects due and such. I just had a realization a few hours earlier that I'm not going to get very much sleep this weekend. I have so much work to do! My Mondays - Thursdays are packed so I have to be really productive during the weekends.

Let's see, I have a report due on Monday that I haven't thought very much about. A problem set due on Friday that I haven't even looked at. And then there's the Indonesia project. We have our mid-term presentations on Wednesday and I haven't started working on anything I signed up to do. Hm... And this weekend is Splash. I'm volunteering Saturday morning for registration. This is usually when they need the most help. But I probably won't have time to help out otherwise because of the above stuff.

Really excited to be going to Indonesia this summer. We're a little short on funding so if anyone knows of any grants or corporations willing to donate, let me know! I feel like we have a ton of things to do before going out there. We haven't even come up with a plan of what we want to accomplish this summer yet. Never mind buying tickets, getting visas, contacting people, etc.

And on top of all this, I still need to find some time to run because I want to run a decent time for Bay to Breakers. I know most people just walk the thing. But that makes it even better to take the running seriously! This seems to be a pretty big event because Caltrain is running special services for it. There are 3 or 4 trains that will run extra early that Sunday morning just to take people from the peninsula to SF in time for the race. Usually it's impossible to get to SF on a weekend by 8am.

I seriously can't believe it's almost May. Midway through this quarter also signifies midway through my time at Stanford!! It feels like I just got started at this place and I'm already planning my exit strategy. This Indonesia thing is probably not the best choice I can make career-wise. There are a lot of things I can do this summer that would make me even more employable after I graduate than going to Padang. But I think I'm employable enough and it's not everyday that you get to go help save a city.

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