Friday, February 8, 2008


Some people here actually celebrated or considered Chinese New Year in terms of (I think) China time. I think it's a bigger deal in the Bay Area because every year, there would be fireworks on the day of the new years. People would put up decorations and such. Here, it's pretty quiet. A lot of Chinese student groups put on celebrations, performances, and other things. But I think since most people who celebrate it are international students, they just meet up with friends and make dinner together. I don't know how it's like for Chinese immigrants but I am going to London this weekend with some friends on Sunday. There is a Chinese New Year parade. I bet it's not as big as the one in San Francisco though.

Anyway, Wednesday night, we held a Chinese New Year study break among the CME students. We made dumplings. Cindy '09, Mech E, also from the Bay Area, went and got the veggies, meat, and skin, prep the filling, and we all helped wrap the dumplings. They were really good. I think we all had fun. Cindy's amazing. Definitely the best study break ever. It was really cool to chat with MIT people too. I actually don't really have the chance to see or talk to a whole lot of them on a daily basis.

Lately I've also taken to listening to Chinese songs. Yes, another vain effort to increase my Mandarin abilities. Good intentions I guess but the search for songs always turn into a search for Cantopop instead of Mardarin songs. Uh, yeah. Anyway, this entry's a little choppy. To make up for it, check out my latest entry on the MIT site:


yalu said...

hey hey, how's your German ability? ;-) Since I'm taking concert choir now, I have even greater flexibility next year...can take cool classes and such. (or you know, spend a lot of time actually looking for a dream job)

I kind of want to take Chinese II Streamlined, maybe next spring...these characters are so hard to remember when you dont use them daily.

docey101 said...

hey, need suggestions? ask rona! haha jk. but leehom wang (wang li hong), jay chow/chou, jj lin, and khalil fong, i would reccommend, all male artists...and very pop.