Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Back at MIT...again

So after 7.5 hours of flying, I finally arrived in Boston and was picked up by Yalu and Mike. It would've been a bit painful to drag my stuff all over Boston and Cambridge had they not been there to pick me up so that was great.

Within a couple of hours of being back, Yalu decided to put me to work. I helped her do some surveys for her class, picked stuff up at the Galleria, and... well, I've also went food shopping and have been cooking. I miss cooking.

I miss a lot of things. Especially the people at MIT. I don't fit in at Cambridge. I really don't. When I first got to MIT, I really felt like I fit into the place. Not so at Cambridge. These people party and drink too much. And study too little. When we (the CME students) held a study break, we had to explain what a study break was, and we started the explanation by "well, at MIT, we do this thing called studying..."

And I'm still studying even though the term ended. (Can't believe this) but I borrowed some books from the library and actually did a couple of hours of studying earlier tonight. I even went to class today.

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