Saturday, November 27, 2010

Food, movies, and more food

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Felt a need to write about my life again. Just spent the whole Thanksgiving day at a relative's house. I think this year we had more people than usual and it got kind of crazy after a while. I ate so much food! I've definitely gained weight this quarter. I think it's partly due to doing too much stuff and the food lag after the half marathon. Not training but still lots of eating.

Finally watched Avatar. I was too cheap to go pay nearly $20 to watch it in 3D when it was out. And when I saw the trailers and/or read about it online, I already knew what would happen. Such a Pocahontas story. There were no surprises other than a few "huh? what? why?" moments. I feel like I'm on a movie lag. Haven't watched any movies or even trailers in such a long time. I don't even know what people are talking about these days.

Watched the new Harry Potter movie this morning with brother and cousin. I feel like I don't remember anything about this series anymore. I only have vague memories of what is supposed to be happening. This movie in particular had a lot of background info that the audience is supposed to bring with them. You would be sooo lost if you haven't seen the last movie or read the book. I'm really not sure if I've seen the last movie. I think there needs to be a HP movie marathon before watching the last movie. Otherwise, I won't appreciate it as much. It was nice to watch something on the big screen after a long hiatus though.


yalu said...

Just got back from watching the movie. Feel like I need some resolution. They covered a lot in the movie, but I felt like they could have finished.. I guess the battle scenes take awhile. Sigh, another 10 months...

Anonymous said...

J'ai un peu de sagesse merveilleuse.

Anonymous said...

What a nice post. I really love reading these types or articles. I can?t wait to see what others have to say..