Thursday, January 17, 2008

Start of term

While I'm waiting for another episode of Stargate to load, I though I'd write about what's been happening the past few days, namely yesterday.

Yesterday we had our mock exams. Most people were there and it was nice to see everyone again. I haven't seen any MIT students since getting back to Cambridge. The exams themselves were.... horrible. I don't know if there's any other way to put it. But I didn't do too well. However, I think I actually did better on structures than on soils, which was surprising. But then the tests weren't really fair. We didn't have all the datasheets that we needed for structures and one of the questions for soils was on a topic that we haven't covered yet. We're supposed to choose 3 out of 4 so it was okay but the other questions were really confusing. They didn't choose a very well distributed set of questions. Anyway, my supervisor is going to be really disappointed but he doesn't know he's supposed to look over those exams yet so yeah. But part of it is the jetlag too. I've been sleeping in the afternoons a lot and the timing of the exams was right when I wanted to sleep the most.

I walked back with Stella and MaryAnn. MaryAnn had been traveling Europe all winter and didn't go back. MaryAnn and I chatted about how we miss MIT and the people there. Neither of us are into this drinking thing and she said that all the people living around her are cool but all they do when they hang out is go out and get drunk. Which is how I feel about the people around me as well.

Anyway, I'm hoping to do more studying this term. And maybe learn something. But on a lighter note, I need to go to the grocery store and get some cookies/crackers/biscuits, whatever you want to call them.

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