I think a lot of the interns are leaving on the 14th. That's in 2 weeks! So soon. Yesterday, there was an intern event where we went on a site visit to the Fulton Street Transit Center. I realized that not too many of the other interns work on my floor, which I found strange since my floor is the busiest. Anyway, I don't think very many of them were actually interested in seeing the project. I think they just wanted to get out of the office. I wish I had worked on the project a little so I would appreciate seeing the site and be able to orient myself more. But all the design work for the project is done so it's just working with contractors and such. Anyway, I thought it was cool. The whole thing was scheduled to be from 2-5pm. We were done at around 4:40-ish and everyone left to go home. The only people who came back were the two guys that took us around, 2 interns (including me), and a new hire. The other intern came back because he was working on a project that is wrapping up for a submittal. I know this because I was working on the same project for the last 1.5 weeks. We got back to the office before 5pm. Couldn't believe all the other interns left! Didn't they have work to do?? Anyway, I got quite a bit of work done before being sent home. haha. I was being dumb and didn't manage to enter all the data before plotting everything. Working at this office makes me feel like I have a LOT more to learn, which is the way it should be.
Actually, this summer has made me feel much more enthusiastic about geotech. I really want to learn more and can't wait to take classes on this stuff. I think I would learn a lot more about the actual practice if I went to Berkeley. I would definitely be taking classes on stuff I did this summer which would be very satisfying. I doubt this will be the case at Stanford. I think Stanford's curriculum will be much more analytical and geology oriented. There seems to be a pretty good structural geology group. Anyway, I don't mind skipping out on the more "traditional" geotech stuff. I think I'll learn those on the job anyway. The analytical and geology stuff are stuff that are harder to learn on the job. People who have those skills and knowledge seem to be sought after.